
Don’t Be So Hard On Yourself!

When I started this blog, way back in June of 2012 (seems like yesterday, doesn’t it?), I began with the intention to write about what a hard time I was having with coming to terms with my visual art. I’d thought of myself as a visual artist since I was a child. I wrote as a child too, poems and plays, but I didn’t put near the pressure on myself as I did with my art. I thought by writing on this blog, trying new things, that I might discover why that was. I’ve often thought that my self-esteem was wrapped up in it, as at one point in life…my much younger self, was pretty shy and pretty unsure. Some would not believe it now, but it’s true. My art was where I found validation back then. When I came into writing poetry and plays later on, I came into it not expecting much since no one else seemed to think I was great at it. So, when I went back to college (after dropping out, thinking I was failing my writing composition class!) I had fun with it…and a lot of success, so much easier than with my art…a talent I knew I possessed…but getting any art rejections was such a heartbreak, a slap in the face. Well, something positive has happened in the last few years. I believe it’s because I’ve lightened up on myself and just paint what I want, the way I want…allow myself to make mistakes, I don’t take those art rejections as personally as I once did, and I’ve had more success. I’ve been juried into so many more shows, I won Best of Show (with the pastel painting “Cat Lover,” above) at the Muncie Artist Guild Exhibit in November 2020, I’ve sold more work than ever before, and my art was featured in Last Stanza Poetry Journal...along with a couple of poems. So, don’t give up on your own dreams, no matter whether it’s painting, writing, music, etc., sometimes the creative path can be hard, disappointing even, but if it’s your passion, lighten up!! It will come if you keep working at it. Many of us creative types just think too much…instead: fear less, do more.